Advisory Council Member Portal

Welcome to the Member Portal for Advisory Council members. Here you can access information about upcoming meetings, reference materials from past meetings, find members’ contact information, update your contact information, nominate candidates for council membership, and more.

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Contact Info

If any of your contact information has changed, please inform us by completing the Member Update Form.

Spouses of members may also communicate changes by completing the Spouse Update Form.

Upcoming Meetings

Spring 2023

Thursday, April 13, 2023

  • 6-9 pm
  • Advisory Council Dinner
  • For council members and school/university leadership


Friday, April 14, 2023

  • 8 am-1 pm
  • Advisory Council Meeting
  • For council members and school/university leadership

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Meeting Archives

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Revised June 2024

Download a copy of the McCombs Advisory Council Bylaws

I. Misson

The mission of the McCombs School of Business Advisory Council is to assist the Dean, faculty, and staff of the Red McCombs School of Business in achieving and maintaining “best of class” status for the School. The Advisory Council will achieve its mission through a membership of multi-talented individuals with varying experiences whose stature and accomplishments bring credit to the School and who individually and collectively:

  • Engage in, assist, and support the fundraising efforts of the School;
  • Provide advice and counsel to the Dean, faculty, and staff on strategy, important issues affecting the future of the School, curricula and programs, and external affairs;
  • Provide insights to the Dean, faculty, and staff on how the School can enhance the impact of its services on various stakeholder groups;
  • Provide valuable contacts for faculty to provide access to the business community for research purposes, to increase the impact of their work on the business community, to inform their research and teaching, and to help them further develop their research, teaching, and public service skills;
  • Provide valuable contacts for students and advice in their career selection decisions and job-seeking activities; and
  • Provide input to the Dean, faculty, and staff for assessing the progress of the school and charting future courses.

The members of the Advisory Council can effectively contribute to its mission only by becoming intimately familiar with the School and its leadership, faculty, staff, students and programs. Thus, attendance and participation at meetings is the single most important commitment sought from members. Members are also expected to work on task forces and committees on an as-needed basis between meetings and to take initiative in fundraising and other external relations activities for the School.

II. Membership

A. Number: 70 (Approved 6/30/2020)

B. Nomination:

1. The Executive Committee shall serve as the Nominating Committee, unless it chooses to appoint a separate Nominating Committee. Each year, the Nominating Committee shall solicit recommendations for new members from current and life members, faculty, and staff. The Nominating Committee will provide advice to the Dean as to which members should be reappointed, which members should be accorded life memberships, and who should be invited to join the Council. Within The University, the members of the Advisory Council shall be nominated by the Dean of the McCombs School of Business.

2. Council membership shall not be limited to graduates of The University of Texas nor to residents of the State of Texas.

3. Life memberships may be accorded, by election of the Nominating Committee, to those members who have served the McCombs School of Business Advisory Council faithfully and with distinction for three years or longer. Members who have served a total of twelve years (the maximum) will be accorded life memberships. Members who have served as Chair of the Council will be appointed life members upon completion of their terms in office. Life members will not be listed formally as members of the Council in official University records (to make room within the size limit of the Council for new members). However, in the absence of acts discreditable to the Council or contrary to its mission life members will continue to serve indefinitely, without reelection, and may, at their discretion, participate in all Council activities except formal voting. The minimum attendance requirements for current members will be waived for life members, although they are encouraged to participate in Council affairs and meetings.

C. Membership Objectives:

1. The overriding consideration in inviting an individual to join the Council shall be the individual’s stature and accomplishments in his or her career and the insights he or she can bring to the Council. It is desirable to nominate relatively young members who are on career trajectories that imply early attainment of positions of leadership and stature within their organizations.

2. The membership should be as representative as possible of the various business disciplines, important functions within businesses, and major industries.

3. The membership of the Council should be multi-talented with varying experiences.

D. Terms:

Members are appointed to staggered three-year terms. Members may be reappointed to a second consecutive term. However, after two consecutive three-year terms, members must be accorded life membership, or “sit out” at least one term. Members who sit out may be reappointed for two additional terms. That is, members may serve a maximum of twelve years.

E. Terminations:

1. The achievement of the purposes and objectives of the Council depends upon the active participation of the members in Council meetings as well as in the work of the committees to which they may be appointed. In the event a member is unable to attend at least one meeting per year or to actively perform his/her assigned committee duties, the Nominating Committee shall consult with that member to determine his/her continuing interest and ability to serve. The Nominating Committee shall make a recommendation for continuance or termination of membership. A majority vote of the Executive Committee members present in a regularly scheduled meeting will determine termination or continuance.

2. Membership on the Dean’s Advisory Council is a discretionary privilege as permitted by its leadership, including the Dean of the McCombs School of Business. Members must notify the Dean in writing within three business days of being arrested, charged with a criminal offense by a law enforcement authority, or provided notice of investigation against them for alleged violations of any policy, rule, ordinance, or law of an institution of higher education, non-profit or business entity, or other governmental entity including law enforcement. While in review, membership may be put on hiatus. A member placed on hiatus cannot participate in Dean’s Advisory Council activities or meetings, receive member communications, or be featured as an official member in board materials and rosters. Failure to promptly notify the Dean is grounds for removal from the Dean’s Advisory Council. The Dean, or Dean’s delegate, is authorized to ask any follow-up questions necessary to ascertain the nature of the matter and determine whether to modify the member’s status. Members shall respond to the Dean’s questions fully, accurately, and promptly. Failure to respond to the Dean’s satisfaction is grounds for immediate removal from the Dean’s Advisory Council and to bar future participation.

III. Major Activities of Members

A. Embrace and work actively to achieve the mission of the Council as set forth above.

B. While on active status, make every effort to attend the two regular meetings a year of the Advisory Council and participate in the work of task forces and committees as necessary.

C. Assume a role in fundraising through personal contributions, stimulating contributions of employers, stimulating contributions among friends and business acquaintances, and assisting the Dean and Development staff in presenting the needs and achievements of the McCombs School to prospective donors and executives.

D. Endorse the School publicly by appearing on the official roster of Council members and on Office of Development and External Relations letterheads when appropriate.

IV. Organization and Procedures

A. Voting membership of the Council shall consist of all current members and the Dean who serves as an ex-officio member with voting privileges. With some exceptions, the Council will normally conduct its business by consensus, taking into account the views expressed by all voting members, life members, faculty, and staff in attendance at meetings.

B. The non-voting members of the Council shall consist of:

1. The Assistant Dean for Development of the Office of Development and External Relations

2. A member of the Staff of the Office of Development and External Relations who will serve as Secretary of the Council (appointed by the Dean).

3. The Chair of the Board that advises the Office of Development and External Relations on annual giving matters and the Chairs of the Alumni Relations Boards and Committees.

C. The Council, acting through the Nominating Committee, shall select its own officers. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected for one-year terms (approved 4/5/2013).

D. The Council’s business shall be organized and directed by the Executive Committee, consisting of the Dean, the Vice Chair, the Chair, and the most recent past Chair willing to serve. The Executive Committee may appoint such other committees and task forces as it deems necessary or beneficial to the mission of the Council. In general, committees will be appointed to take responsibility for ongoing Council activities such as nominations and task forces will be created to study specific issues and make recommendations on them to the Council as a whole. The Executive Committee is encouraged to appoint committees and task forces that engage Council members actively in pursuing the mission of the Council and to ensure that the Council is involved substantively in the fundraising and advising functions that are the core of its activities.

E. The Council shall meet at least twice each academic year, preferably in the fall and spring.

F. Opportunities for the Council members to become acquainted with the faculty, students and programs of the School shall be a regular part of Council meetings.

G. Minutes of the meetings shall be published and made available to the faculty, staff and Council membership.

V. Finances

A. The Council shall be a largely self-sustaining activity and thereby not consume discretionary contributed funds that can be used for other purposes within the School.

B. Each year before September 1, current Council members are expected to contribute an amount, set in advance by the Executive Committee that is estimated to collectively defray the cost of the following academic year’s meeting costs. Life members who wish to attend meetings will contribute an amount equal to one-half the annual contributions of the current members for each meeting they expect to attend.

C. It is expected that in most cases the employers or businesses of the members will reimburse these contributions or pay them directly. In case of hardship, the amount of the sustaining contribution can be reduced.

D. It is expected that the sustaining contributions to defray Council expenses would not substitute for or be a diversion of funds from the members’ normal charitable contributions to the School.

E. All Advisory Council members are expected to abide by State of Texas and University of Texas rules relating to conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from providing advice about transactions (and/or limit access to University information, as applicable) that could create a real or apparent conflict of interest with respect to personal, professional or business financial interests.


The Executive Committee shall serve as the Nominating Committee, unless it chooses to appoint a separate Nominating Committee.

Active Membership

Each year, the Nominating Committee shall solicit recommendations for new members from current and life members, faculty and staff. The Nominating Committee will advise the Dean on reappointments, life memberships and new memberships.

In evaluating potential nominees, nominators should consider individuals who embody the values espoused by the school and the university. The Council and Executive Committee place a high value on diversity in all its forms, including ethnicity, gender, geography and industry. The Council bylaws direct the Executive Committee to evaluate applications and provide the Dean with a slate of candidates who are accomplished and represent a global spectrum of business practice. Nominations remain active for three years. Council membership is not limited to graduates of the university nor residents of the State of Texas.

Lifetime Membership

Life memberships may be accorded, by election of the Nominating Committee, to those members who have served the McCombs School of Business Advisory Council faithfully and with distinction for three years or longer. Members who have served a total of twelve years (the maximum) will be accorded life memberships. Members who have served as Chair of the Council will be appointed life members upon completion of their terms in office. Life members will not be listed formally as members of the Council in official university records (to make room within the size limit of the Council for new members). However, in the absence of acts discreditable to the Council or contrary to its mission, life members will continue to serve indefinitely, without reelection, and may, at their discretion, participate in all Council activities except formal voting. The minimum attendance requirements for current members will be waived for life members, although they are encouraged to participate in Council affairs and meetings.


Submit a nomination form

Nominations for Advisory Council membership are accepted year-round and considered each spring. New three-year terms begin September 1st.

For assistance, please contact Christine Burdell:

Phone: 512-232-7981