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Kathleen Li

Assistant Professor

Department:     Marketing

Industry Areas:     E-Commerce, Marketing Metrics

Research Areas:     Clicks and Mortars, Empirical Methods, Marketing Models, Public Policy, Statistical Analysis

Kathleen Li

Kathleen (Kathy) Li is an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing at The University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business.

In the methodological stream of her research, she develops and improves cutting-edge causal inference methods for evaluating marketing and policy interventions and develops the theory necessary for inference. The substantive stream of her research lies in emergent consumer behavior on the internet and its interaction with the offline environment, and how this affects patterns of demand for different products. Both research streams are reflected in her dissertation, “Three Essays on Estimating Average Treatment Effects in Quasi-Experimental Panel Data.” Her research has been published in top marketing and statistics journals, including Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the American Statistical Association, and Journal of Econometrics.

Li received an M.S. and Ph.D. in marketing from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in economics, mathematics and statistics from Rice University.



Professional Awards

Marketing Science Editorial Review Board

McCombs CBA Foundation Research Excellence Award for Assistant Professors


Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar

John D.C. Little Award Finalist

Frank M. Bass Dissertation Award Finalist

Paul E. Green Award Finalist


Saroj and Vithala Rao Young Scholar Award in Marketing, Cornell University

ISMS Early Career Scholar

McCombs Research Excellence Grant


Trammell CBA Foundation Teaching Award for Assistant Professors

AMA Sheth Consortium Faculty Fellow


Research Reboot Award, Provost’s Office, UT Austin

Faculty Honor Roll


Faculty Honor Roll


Kathleen Li, and Venkatesh Shankar. June 2024. Two-Step Synthetic Control Approach for Estimating Casual Effects of Marketing Events.  Management Science 70(6): 3734–3747.

Kathleen T. Li.  Mar/Apr 2024. A Simple Forward Differences-in-Differences Method.  Marketing Science 43(2): 267-279.

Kathleen T Li, and Christophe Van den Bulte. July/August 2023. Augmented Difference-in-Differences. Marketing Science 42(4): 746-767

Kathleen T. Li and Garrett Sonnier. June 2023. Statistical Inference for Factor Model Approach to Estimate Causal Effects in Quasi-Experimental Settings. Journal of Marketing Research 60(3): 449–472.

Kathleen T Li. 2020. Statistical Inference for Average Treatment Effects Estimated by Synthetic Control Methods. Journal of the American Statistical Association 115(532), 2068-2083.


Kathleen T Li and David R. Bell. 2017. Estimation of Average Treatment Effects with Panel Data: Asymptotic Theory and Implementation. Journal of Econometrics 197, 65-75.