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Susan Broniarczyk

Associate Dean for Research

Department:     Marketing

Additional Titles:     Professor; Susie and John L. Adams Endowed Chair in Business and Professor of Marketing Administration

Industry Areas:     Consumer Behavior, Consumer Products, Retail

Research Areas:     Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Judgment and Decision Making

Susan Broniarczyk


Susan M. Broniarczyk is Susie and John L. Adams Endowed Chair in Business, a Professor in the Marketing Department, and former Associate Dean for Research at the Texas McCombs School of Business. Her research examines consumer behavior and decision-making with a focus on brand and product management, product recommendations, gift-giving, and consequences of consumer limited attention in the digital age. She is a Fellow of the Society for Consumer Psychology and was also awarded its first Early Career Contribution Award. The American Marketing Association awarded her dissertation on branding the John A. Howard award. Her research on product assortment won the O’Dell Award for its long-term significance to marketing theory and practice in the Journal of Marketing Research. Her research has appeared in leading academic journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Her research has also been featured in the media including Business Week, MSN, NPR, Psychology Today, Time Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, and Yahoo News.

She is former President of the Society for Consumer Psychology, has been active in the Association for Consumer Research serving on its Board of Directors, advisory board, as Treasurer, and ACR conference co-chair, and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing Research. Working with doctoral students is a highlight of her career!  Her doctoral students have been faculty at Columbia, Emory, META, Michigan, Ohio State, SMU, and Stanford.



Society for Consumer Psychology, Fellow


Association for Consumer Research, Board of Directors


Society for Consumer Psychology, APA Division 23, President


McCombs Research Excellence Award


Journal of Retailing Davidson Best Article Award


Journal of Marketing Research O'Dell Award Winner


Adrian F. Ward, Frank Zheng, and Susan Broniarczyk. July 2023. I Share, Therefore I Know? Sharing Online Content—Even Without Reading It—Inflates Subjective Knowledge. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 33(3): 469-488.

The Complexities of Consumer Empowerment in the Modern Consumption Environment. Susan Broniarczyk, Jerry Han. Current Opinion in Psychology.  Forthcoming.

Susan M. Broniarczyk and Jerry Han. 2021. Multitasking as Consumer Compensatory Control. Journal of Consumer Research 48(3), 456-473.

Morgan K. Ward and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2016. Ask and You Shall (Not) Receive: Close Friends Prioritize Relational Signaling over Recipient Preferences in Their Gift Choices. Journal of Marketing Research 53(6), 1001-1018.

Susan M. Broniarczyk, Ying Zhang, and Mariam Beruchashvili. 2015. From Close to Distant: The Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships in Shared Goal Pursuit. Journal of Consumer Research 41(5), 1252-1266.

Susan M. Broniarczyk and Jill G. Griffin. 2014. Decision Difficulty in the Age of Consumer Empowerment. Journal of Consumer Psychology 24(4), 608-625.

Joseph K. Goodman, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Jill G. Griffin, and Leigh M. McAlister. 2013. Help or Hinder? When Recommendation Signage Expands Consideration Sets and Heightens Decision Difficulty. Journal of Consumer Psychology 23(2), 165-174.

Morgan K. Ward and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2013. It's Not Me, It's You: How Gift Giving Creates Giver Identity Threat as a Function of Social Closeness. Journal of Consumer Research Jun(Suppl), S270-S287.

Jennifer Escalas, Katherine White, Jennifer J. Argo, Jaideep Sengupta, Claudia Townsend, Sanjay Sood, Morgan K. Ward, Susan M. Broniarczyk, and Cindy Chan, et. al.. 2013. Self-Identity and Consumer Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research 39(5), xv-xviii.

Maureen Morrin, J. Jeffrey Inman, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Gergana Nenkov, and Jonathan Reuter. 2012. Investing for Retirement: The Moderating Effect of Fund Assortment Size on the 1/N Heuristic. Journal of Marketing Research 49(4), 537-550.

Maureen Morrin, Susan M. Broniarczyk, and J. Jeffrey Inman. 2012. Plan Format and Participation in 401K Plans: The Moderating Role of Investor Knowledge. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 31(2), 254-268.

Szu-Chi Huang, Ying Zhang, and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2012. So Near and Yet So Far: The Mental Representation of Progress. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 103(2), 225-241.

Maureen Morrin, Susan M. Broniarczyk, and J. Jeffrey Inman. 2011. Fund assortments, gender, and retirement plan participation. International Journal of Bank Marketing 29(5), 433-450.

Morgan K Ward and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2011. It's Not Me, It's You: How Gift Giving Creates Giver Identity Threat as a Function of Social Closeness. Journal of Consumer Research 38, 164-181.

Ying Zhang, Szu-Chi Huang, and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2010. Counteractive Construal in Consumer Goal Pursuit. Journal of Consumer Research 37(1), 129-142.

Jill Griffin and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2010. The Slippery Slope: The Impact of Feature Alignability on Search and Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research 47(2), 323-334.

Simona Botti, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Gerald Haubl, Ron Hill, Yanliu Huang, Barbara Kahn, Praveen Kopalle, Donald Lehmann, Joe Urbany, and Brian Wansink. 2008. Choice Under Restrictions. Marketing Letters 19, 183-199.

Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2008. Product Assortment, in Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Curt Haugtvedt, Paul Herr, Frank Kardes, ed. Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 755-779.

Morrin, Maureen, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Inman, J. Jeffrey, and Broussard, John. 2008. Saving for Retirement: The Effects of Fund Assortment size and Investor Knowledge on Asset Allocation Strategies. Journal of Consumer Affairs 42, 206-222.

Andrea Morales, Barbara Kahn, Cynthia Huffman, Leigh M. McAlister, and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 2005. Perceptions of Assortment Variety: The Effects of Congruency Between Consumer's Internal and Retailers' External Organization. Journal of Retailing 81(2), 159-169.

Susan M. Broniarczyk and Andrew Gershoff. 2003. The Reciprocal Effects of Brand Equity and Trivial Attributes. Journal of Marketing Research 40, 161-175.

Andrew Gershoff, Susan M. Broniarczyk, and Patricia West. 2001. Recommendation or Evaluation? Task Sensitivity in Information Source Selection. Journal of Consumer Research 28, 418-438.

Susan M. Broniarczyk, Wayne D. Hoyer, and Leigh M. McAlister. 1998. Consumer's Perceptions of the Assortment Offered in a Grocery Category: The Impact of Item Reduction. Journal of Marketing Research 35, 166-176.

Patricia West and Susan M. Broniarczyk. 1998. Integrating Multiple Opinions: The Role of Aspiration Level on Consumer Response to Critic Consensus. Journal of Consumer Research 25, 38-51.

Susan M. Broniarczyk and Joseph Alba. 1994. The Importance of the Brand in Brand Extension. Journal of Marketing Research 31, 214-228.

Susan M. Broniarczyk and Joseph Alba. 1994. The Role of Consumers' Intuitions in Inference Making. Journal of Consumer Research 21, 393-407.