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Graduates Celebrating

Career Management

The MSM program career management team has a consistent, excellent record for assisting employment-seeking students. The team guides students through the recruitment process and helps employers connect with students.

Propel Your Career

In addition to teaching the skills needed to thrive in careers in business and information technology, an MSM degree will help you prepare for the step from graduate school into the professional world.

McCombs School of Business
McCombs School of Business


Our Career Management team provides a variety of resources to help you prepare for the recruiting season and explore the next step in your career.

Career Coaching

  • One-on-one coaching sessions with dedicated career coaching team
  • Resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn development
  • Mock interviews with a career coach
  • Case interviewing prep and mock case interview assistance


Program-Specific Workshops and Networking Events

  • Program-specific career education and workshops taught by career coaches and industry experts
  • Networking events (including with MS Advisory Council board)
  • Industry Career Consultants for each program available for individual appointments 
  • Mock interviews with corporate partners
  • Guest speaker events

Career Discovery

  • MS Industry Fridays, featuring top Austin/US employers
  • Access to multiple career fairs throughout UT's campus


Resume Assistance

  • MS Industry Fridays, featuring top Austin/US employers
  • Access to multiple career fairs throughout UT's campus


Interview Prep

  • MS Industry Fridays, featuring top Austin/US employers
  • Access to multiple career fairs throughout UT's campus


Job Board

  • Access to the McCombs-exclusive job board


MSM Career Stats

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Meet Your Career Coach, Alison Devlin

"The MSM program provides a strong technical skillset applied through a business lens and focuses on the future of technology and emerging tech. We find that employers appreciate this unique combination of technical and business skills."

Career Connection

  • MSM Advisory Council

    The MSM Advisory Council is comprised of industry leaders who advise on the development of the program. They have the opportunity to participate in MSM capstone projects and network with students.

  • KBH Career Networking

    Check Out MSM Career outcomes

    Our dedicated career management staff serves MSM students full-time during the program and even after graduation.

  • KBH Associate Advisory Council

    Recruit MSM Students

    We are happy to meet with recruiters for one-on-one strategy meetings and to offer recommendations for the development of company involvement at McCombs.

The Company We Keep

  • Amazon Logo

  • Chevron Logo

What Employers Are Saying

Quote by MSM Employer

Say Hello to a MSM Alumna
My favorite part of the MSM program is that you're being taught by the smartest minds in academia. Moving to the Advisory Council, I'm really lucky to sit with and consult with the smartest minds in industry.
Connect With a Current MSM Student
Chandler Nunez, MSM


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