Welcome to The University of Texas McCombs School of Business! We are very happy to be partnering with your Business School this year again and hosting you on campus.
We hope to provide you a fantastic educational experience, bringing to you some of the very best professors at UT and distinguished corporate speakers from world-class companies in Texas. Our goal is to provide you with a rich array of perspectives and valuable insights into the U.S. business culture and best practices. The program-specific information is placed in an e-box and the link will be sent to you by email.
While you are in Austin, you will have opportunities to get acquainted with our culture and environment. To give you a broader context, this website includes information about the McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin and the city.
On behalf of the McCombs School of Business faculty and staff involved in your program, welcome and we look forward to meeting you in person.
Chantal Delys
Assistant Dean and Director
AT&T Hotel and Executive Education & Conference Center
1900 University Ave.
Austin, TX 78705
Main Phone: +1 (512) 404-1900
Texas Executive Education Center
1900 University Ave., L078
Austin, TX 78705
Main Phone: +1 (512) 471-5893
Austin Bergstrom International Airport
Transportation Options
Rideshare: Lyft | Uber | Wingz
Taxi: ATX Co-op +1 (512) 333-5555 | Yellow Cab +1 (512) 452-9999
Learn where to meet a Rideshare or Taxi at the Austin airport

Currently, the fastest-growing high-tech city in the U.S., Austin, Texas, is home to many industries such as clean technologies, manufacturing, software the semi-conductor, energy, computer, life science, telecommunications, and many more. Working closely with world-class companies such as Dell, Google, Facebook, Oracle, IBM, and others in this dynamic and competitive business environment keeps our programs at the leading edge of business research and practice.
Business in Austin consists of a wide assortment of high-tech industries and an equally diverse employment pool. Well-educated employees draw commerce to Austin. A high number of individuals with undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees provides Austin companies with smart, talented, and creative people to help grow their businesses.
Austin companies contribute to the technological infrastructure that makes cars run smarter, games play faster, cell phones do more, and will take all industries into the future. Austin’s strong ties to the University of Texas as well as university and corporate collaborations have yielded world-class programs in following fields:
- Bioengineering
- Computer science
- Engineering
- Business
- Nanotechnology
- Bioinformatics
- Pharmaceutical research
Austin triumphs over other cities due to pro-business measures, ease of doing business, overall business costs, actual capital investment and the state’s fiscal health.
Learn more at Austin Chamber of Commerce