Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the Integrated MPA, MPA Bridge, and Traditional MPA programs?
The integrated MPA is designed for current students in the McCombs School of Business who have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. Through the integrated MPA, students will earn a BBA degree in accounting along with an MPA degree.
The MPA Bridge is designed for current UT undergraduates (both McCombs and non-McCombs students) who are pursuing a non-accounting bachelor’s degree. Students get a head start on MPA courses during their senior year.
The traditional MPA is designed for students who will have earned a bachelor’s degree (or comparable) from a four-year accredited college or university prior to enrolling in the MPA program.
Do I need to major in Accounting for my BBA degree if I pursue the integrated MPA program?
Yes. Students in the integrated MPA program must complete a BBA degree in accounting along with the MPA degree. iMPA students are allowed to double major with CBHP or complete a second simultaneous major outside of McCombs.
If you prefer to pursue your BBA degree in a non-accounting major and would like to get a head start on the MPA degree in your senior year, you should apply to the MPA Bridge program.
When I complete my undergraduate course requirements, can I then receive my bachelor's degree?
Yes. Students may receive their BBA degree in accounting after all undergraduate degree requirements are met.
When do integrated MPA students start taking graduate courses?
Students generally take their first graduate course during the fall semester of their senior year. By virtue of being a student with the integrated MPA major code, you have access to graduate accounting and business courses.
If I am admitted to the integrated MPA, do I eventually have to apply for admission to the Graduate School?
Yes. Your academic advisor will provide you with details about applying to Graduate School during your initial advising appointment. In the MPA program, a student must be in the Graduate School for two long semesters. There is no exception to this rule.
Note: Students start paying graduate tuition on all courses once they have been admitted to the Graduate School. Undergraduate and graduate courses completed while coded as an undergraduate student are charged at the undergraduate tuition rate.
Is an internship required as part of the MPA degree program?
An internship is required for the BBA degree. iMPA students who complete an approved internship earn graduate course credit which fulfills both an elective for the MPA degree and the BBA degree requirement. The internship program is designed to give students an opportunity to combine their formal academic preparation with an exposure to the accounting profession.
This experience is beneficial to students not only upon graduation but also during the remainder of their time in the MPA program. After an internship, students are more confident in expressing their opinions about the profession and related issues. In addition, the students are more aware of the skills needed to be successful in the accounting profession.
Are internship offers guaranteed?
Securing an internship is not guaranteed, although the great majority of qualified students generally have received internships in the past. Internship decisions are based upon academic performance as well as communication and interpersonal skills.