Angular Hero Image content type details
ID: 408
Name: Angular Hero Image
Description: Adds the angular hero header on the inner pages
Content element details
Name | Description | Size | Type | Required |
Name | The Name Element | 80 Characters | Plain Text | Yes |
Image | Select an image from media library. By default the image will be shown on left. Max-width of image is 640px | 80 Kilobytes | Media | Yes |
Show Image on Right | Select the checkbox to show the image on right side of text | 80 Characters | Check Box | No |
Output as Narrow Height | Select the checkbox to show the banner as narrow height | 80 Characters | Check Box | No |
Kicker Text | Enter the text for the kicker | 50 Characters | Plain Text | No |
Headline | Enter the title | 80 Characters | Plain Text | Yes |
Body Copy | Enter the main body of the header | 250 Characters | Plain Text | Yes |
CTA Text | Enter the text for the link | 50 Characters | Plain Text | No |
CTA link (internal) | Select a section/content for an internal link | 80 Characters | Section/Content Link | No |
CTA link (external) | Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link | 200 Characters | Plain Text | No |
CTA link (Document) | Select a PDF/word file from media library | 80 Kilobytes | Media | No |
Show CTA as a button | Select the checkbox to show CTA as buttons | 80 Characters | Check Box | No |
Show CTA as a Link | Select the checkbox to show CTA as links | 80 Characters | Check Box | No |
Show TEE version | Select the checkbox to show the content on TEE | 80 Characters | Check Box | No |
A hero block featuring an image with an angled left edge, a headline and body copy. There is also the option to add kicker text and a call-to-action link.
There are a number of options which can be selected with this content type:
- by default the image is displayed on the left, but can be displayed or the right by ticking 'Show Image on Right' checkbox
- by default the minimum height for the hero block is 800px - selecting the 'Output as Narrow Height' checkbox reduces the minimum height to 500px
- by default the background color is orange - selecting the 'Show TEE version' checkbox changes the background color to charcoal
- if there is a call-to-action link, it can either be output as a text link with an arrow or a button by selecting either the 'Show CTA as a Link' or 'Show CTA as a button' checkboxes.
The image should be less than 640px wide.
A bolder kind of graduate programs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
A bolder kind of graduate programs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Alumni Page Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Alumni Page Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.